- He springs from a peasant s family. 他出身于农民家庭。
- How many frogs are there in froggy’s family? 小青蛙的一家有几个成员?
- The defendant' s family were present at the hearing. 被告家属在审讯时旁听.
- I must say I am anticipate a pleasant weekend with bob 's family . 我得说,我正期待着同鲍勃家一起欢度周末。
- Funding also came from BYU’s Family Studies Center. 这次研究的资金同样也有部分来在于杨百翰家庭研究中心。
- My uncle”s family live in a house much larger than ours. 我叔叔一家住的房子比我们家的房子大得多。
- The feudalistic monogamy is realized in the farmer’s family. 封建一夫一妻制在农民家庭得到实现。
- It is indeed possible that the national tests could click with Mr Neves's results agreements and the Family Fund's education requirement to lift young Brazilians into useful work. 事实上,很可能国家评估同内维斯的“结果协议”以及家庭基金的教育需求殊途同归,为巴西的年轻人带来有益的工作。
- One evening, Brownie’ s family noticed that Brownie hadn’ t returned home. 一天傍晚,布朗尼的主人家发现它没有回家,搜寻一番也没找到。
- ADI's family of RDCs and SDCs offers solutions for these applications. ADI公司的RDC和SDC系列产品为这些应用提供解决方案。
- Ever the opportunist, Mitchum decides to find his cellmate’s family. 罗伯特.;米切姆决定去找到他的家庭。
- My friend’s family was hospitably and served me the local food there. 朋友的家人都很热情好客,那里的辣菜很有风味。
- And my family funds are mostly from my mother, she is a senior pharmacist. 我们家庭经济来源主要是靠我妈,我妈是主任药师。
- In Dallas,social workers advised Jason E.'s family to have him jailed to get treatment. 在达拉斯,社会工作者劝说贾森·E的家人把他送入监狱以便得到治疗。
- Because Luo' s family uses English and the Taishan dialect, Luo JIA-Hui cannot speak Mandarin. 他们的家庭语言是英语和台山方言,所以骆家辉不会说普通话。
- Counsel for the prosecution opened with a description of the accused 's family background . 起诉方律师开始发言时对被告的家庭背景作了描述。
- In Dallas, social workers advised Jason E.'s family to have him jailed to get treatment. 在达拉斯,社会工作者劝说贾森·E的家人把他送入监狱以便得到治疗。
- Feeling threatened, YOO blackmails JANG's family and pulls strings to get OH off the case. 道永在查案期间常常表现得焦急暴躁,其办事手法好像野兽般疯狂,以暴易暴对付犯罪份子。
- B.Introduction of the Author Charlotte Bronte was born in a Priest’s family in York shire in 1816. 参考答案: B 作者简介 夏洛特布莱恩(不知道 是不是这个词)于1816年出生于约克郡的一个牧师家庭中。
- The officer is attached to a destroyer. 这军官隶属于某驱逐舰。